Allopathic Medicine

**We do not have a medical school at Appalachian State. This page is for informational purposes to support health profession exploration.

Degree Type

MD-Doctorate of Medicine


The system of medical practice which treats disease by the use of remedies which produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment. MDs practice allopathic medicine. Also called conventional medicine. (source)

Typical Majors

  • Biology BS (Cell and Molecular) or BA
  • Chemistry BS (Biochemistry) 
  • Exercise Science BS 
  • Psychology BS (Natural Science or Health Studies)
  • Public Health BS 

You can learn about specific degree requirements from the University Bulletin.  

Clinical Exposure

Exposure observing physicians is necessary to be a competitive applicant for medical school.  Successful Appalachian students often have a minimum of 150-200 hours of exposure through shadowing/observation, volunteering, or work experience.  

Test Type

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

National Links

NC Programs
