Ready to Apply?

student and Red Cross dog mascot

Ready to Apply? 

It doesn't matter if you are a freshman, an alum, or somewhere in between. If you are planning for a health career, you should also be thinking about getting ready to apply!

Admission to Health Professions Programs is highly competitive and requires careful and thoughtful planning.

Most Health Professions Centralized Application Services (CAS) open 12-18 months prior to when you would matriculate into your program.  


Prescription for Success Application Year Workshops 

  Rx 4 Success Spring 2024 Workshops (All Professions)

 Spring 2024 Prescription for Success Application Year Slides (Slidedeck is inclusive for all topics below.  To watch a session recording, click on the recording hyperlink.)   


      Rx 4 Success: Med, Dent, Pharm, Opto, Vet Med Focused Sessions


      Rx 4 Success: PA, PT, OT, AT Focused Sessions