HPA Peer Advisors are trained to help their peers plan for their health professions futures. They can assist with prerequisite course review, timeline planning, finding extracurricular activities, and other awesome opportunities. Peer advisors undergo an extensive selection and training process to serve Health Professions Advising.
Initial HPA advising appointments for all students occur with peer advisors. Please feel free to contact any of them for assistance. You can find them in the HPA Office in Holmes Convocation during the academic year, Tues-Thurs afternoons. Feel free to drop by and make an appointment or sign up on our calendar.
Schedule with Peer Advisors: Book a Health Professions Advising Appointment
Name | Major | Career Interest | App State Email (@appstate.edu) |
Abbey Ake | Psychology | Med | akeag |
Katherine Baloga | Biology | Med | balogakb |
Hailey Berg | Nutrition | Med | berghd |
Landon Bodenheimer | Exercise Science | PT | bodenheimerlm |
Ellie Bowman | Exercise Science | OT | bowmaneg1 |
Eric Bravver | Biology | Med | bravvere |
Hannah Brose | Public Health | Dent | broseha |
Rowan Burgon | Exercise Science | PA | burgonrl |
Tessa Christner | Biology | Med | christnerth |
Annie Deakle | Psychology | Med | deaklead |
Eleora Dunham | Anthropology | Med | dunhamea |
Gozi Ejindu | Biology | Med | ejinduco |
Sarah Grapey | Exercise Science | PT | grapeysb |
Avery Hodgson | Biology | Med | hodgsonah |
Elizabeth Horwitt | Psychology | OT | horwittea |
Addisyn Keen | Biology | Med | keenae1 |
Georgia King | Biology | Med | kinggl1 |
Nadine Klaaren | Biology | Med | klaarenna |
Mackenzie Knapp | Exercise Science | PT | knappmc |
Michael Marks | Chemistry | Pharm | marksmg |
Zadyn Moore | Biology | Vet | mooreza |
Allyson Raike | Exercise Science | OT | raikeam |
Brooke Rochester | Exercise Science | OT | rochesterba |